Hey Guys --
International Listings created an article naming and describing 10 beautiful houses made out of what most would consider trash. If you're looking for a way to make your lifestyle more green check out these homes and see what some people came up with...
outside that make these homes so eco-friendly. Earthships commonly use ecological concepts such as solar and wind power and grey-water systems to help the environment. The thing I find so intriguing about these Earthships is that they don't resemble a normal house at all. The Earthship in the picture looks like a castle. If I were to pass this house the first thing I would think of would be "Woah! That's an awesome looking house!" not "Woah! Look at that advancement in sustainable design." Usually when I think eco-friendly house I assume it to be very modern, solar panels everywhere, but they don't all have to be like that, especially not this one.
Plane House...
This house built out of a Boeing 747 plane, reinforces the idea that you can recycle almost anything.
If we can take an old plane and reuse it to make a beautiful house think of what else we could make homes out of!
Recycling Your Old House...
I guess it's true what they say, one man's trash really is another man's treasure.
Stay eco-friendly guys,
*** I didn't include all of the houses listed in the article so to read about the ones that weren't mentioned here check out the 10 Amazing, Beautiful Houses Built from Trash article on International Listings ***
Hee. Hee. In your plane house paragraph, you said that the buyer "planed to spend" at least 2 million...Ahh...I love words!